

Most recruiters are “too busy” to source passive candidates.

They run a heavy workload of open positions, need to manage the growing expectations of candidates, hiring managers and leaders while (often) working with a not-so-great ATS. Everything steals the momentum of sourcing.

No surprise, under these circumstances it’s almost impossible to allocate time for sourcing. However, we all know that sourcing is critical, some of the best candidates will never apply and excuses will change nothing.

How can we change then the perception of sourcing and make an entire recruiting team happily source?

🇺🇦 I had the honour to speak at the Global HR & Recruitment Forum organized by the wonderful Oksana Kikhtenko. Oksana is supporting her Ukrainian sisters and brothers with this conference and you can join her movement by purchasing the access to all of the videos from this conference. It’s as little as $49 and you get the presentations of Irina Shamaeva, Katrina Collier, Vanessa Raath and many more. Visit this link and purchase your pass now: https://ithrforum.eu/ 🇺🇦

During this presentation I was sharing global best practices that help your team stick to sourcing.

  • Changing the busy-ness in recruiting
  • Building a culture of sourcing
  • Widening the sourcing scope of your team (with new channels, tools and methods)
  • Winning the Engagement Battle
  • Making your team start applying technology during their work

Check the below video and learn how you can superboost the productivity of your team!

And for those who are slide monkeys (I’m for sure one of them!) here are my slides, too 🙂

Happy Sourcing!

Photo by Scott Sanker on Unsplash

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    1. It’s interesting, Sonia!! 🙂 I’ve been searching for new sourcing models… but ICES still seems to crack it 🙂