The conference season is coming up and after all those ZOOM, Airmeet, Hopin, Crowdcast events (where we never saw each other and could not have an endless, fun, entertaining, real, smart or charming sourcing conversation) we finally have the chance to give a HUGE HUG to each other and immerse into the nirvana of sourcing IN PERSON! ❤️


If you are around these sourcing-recruiting-HR events make sure you find us and let’s have a coffee or so and some great laughters.

See you soon! Balazs, Vince, Kata

European Sourcing Summit #SOSUEU

Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands When: 27-28. September 👉

Our talks:

Balazs: How To Train Your Dra…cruiter? Lessons From a Sourcing Trainer

In sourcing if you don’t learn you perish. There is no dearth of sourcing training resources available, however the rich repository of resources is not transferring into real skills. There is a big disconnect between available sourcing training materials and actual real learning. Are trainers not effective enough? is it because there is a lack of standards? Is there too many ways of going about a search? This session attempts to bridge the chasm between knowledge and real-life practice and highlights how anyone can really learn sourcing.

Vince: Automating Outreach

Personalization is essential. Efficiency is king. These two statements are seemingly at odds with eachother, but Vince will show you three ways how you can save time on sending emails while using that time to include personal touchpoints for every candidate you want to engage with.


Where: Budapest, Hungary When: 11. October 👉

Our talks:

Balazs: TBD
Kata: Re-skilling/Re-cycling Recruiters (roundtable)

Digitalization, the global pandemia, hyper-growth in businesses, critical talent shortages, changing labor conditions, the decline of inbound recruiting and job boards… all these symptoms (and many more!) have created new and significant challenges to recruiters. What is the current skill matrix that a successful recruiter has to have today? How can we help them grab and develop new skills? What can a training course impact and what needs to be managed by the team itself? What is learning today, anyway? How can we avoid the recruiter burnout in such a rapid and insanely growing economical environment?

Kata will manage a roundtable discussion with various HR and Talent Acquisition Directors.


Where: Paris, France When: 12-13. October 👉

We don’t speak here, thankfully, we come here to learn and get inspirations.


Where: Seattle, WA, USA When: 17-18. October 👉

Our talks:

Balazs & Van Raath: Diversity – Just Do It!

Diversity sourcing is one of the top priorities of global CEOs, a service that is required almost every day. Yet given its complexity, many recruiters don’t know how to start it, find time to run it, and measure it. And so if the how-when-what parameters are unknown, a recruiter can hardly be successful.

In this session, you’ll learn how to leverage a 7×4 Diversity Sourcing Model that has helped numerous companies build their diversity sourcing framework. It’s not just a new bunch of tactics to search for diverse talent — it’s a mindset change and a fresh new approach!

Balazs: Reimagining Global Sourcing – Achieving Outstanding Results Within Six Months

You have got six months to build a global sourcing function for a start-up which is in hyper-growth mode. Where do you start? What comes first on your list and why? How do you align a global leadership team where everyone has a little different understanding of (and also expectations towards to) sourcing? What is your strategy? What are your top priorities and how will good look like at the end of your time?

Balazs will share a real client case where a global tech start-up grew from one-woman-show sourcing state into a mature and extremely successful sourcing regiment. Real talk, real numbers, real results.

Hope to see many of you, my friends! ❤️❤️❤️

Happy Sourcing!

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